Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Byland with Wass and Oldstead Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 16, you are viewing 1 - 10


description 1 mature sycamore in poor health with hollowing at base - fell 1 mature sycamore with signs of progressive lean towards road - fell
area North York Moors
start date 26/11/2024
decision None


address TPO 2010/4 Candacraig, Wass (W1)
description T1 Beech - Reduce heavily end-weighted lower SW limb to first lateral branch to suppress phototropic growth T2 Goat willow - reduce to 2m height or coppice T3 Beech - outgrown from now decayed stump of previously felled maiden stem - fell back to stump T4 Hazel - reduce to 1-2m height or re-coppice
area North York Moors
start date 28/10/2024
decision None


address Abbey House, Byland Road, Byland Abbey
description change of use use of domestic outbuilding to dual use as either annexe or short term holiday let (no external alterations)
area North York Moors
start date 28/10/2024
decision None


address TPO 2010/4 Candacraig, Wass - W1
description Large twin-stemmed goat willow. Stems have partly split apart. No active movement apparent for the moment, but the larger stem in particular is vulnerable to further subsidence and eventual collapse. Reduce both stems to 6-8m height, retaining lower secondary limbs.
area North York Moors
start date 03/05/2024
decision None


address Abbey House, Byland Abbey
description verification check of condition 5 of planning approval NYM/2023/0776
area North York Moors
start date 04/03/2024
decision None


address Bracken Hill, Sand Lane, Oldstead
description verification check of conditions 5, 6 and 11 of planning approval NYM/2021/0690/FL
area North York Moors
start date 19/01/2024
decision None


address Abbey House, Main Street, Oldstead
description construction of dwarf retaining wall and paved patio area
area North York Moors
start date 27/11/2023
decision None


address Abbey House, Byland Abbey
description alterations to windows and doors and installation of four rooflights
area North York Moors
start date 17/11/2023
decision None


address Abbey Cottage, Byland Abbey, Coxwold
description Verification check of conditions 4 & 5 of planning approval NYM/2023/0194
area North York Moors
start date 03/11/2023
decision None


address Mill House, Main Street, Oldstead
description Listed Building consent for removal of internal wall and door casing together with replacement of solid timber door external door with glazed timber door to rear elevation
area North York Moors
start date 02/10/2023
decision None