Parish Information

Morning in the Parish

Byland with Wass and Oldstead Parish Council

The Parish consists of the Village of Wass and the hamlets of Byland Abbey and Oldstead. It is a small community with around 220 individuals listed on the electoral roll. The Parish Council complies with the requirements of the "Local Government Act 1972".

How are we organised

The Council is made up of 5 volunteer Councillors, 3 from Wass and Byland and 2 from Oldstead supported by a parish clerk. The Councillors represent all the electors of Wass, Byland Abbey and Oldstead and have to stand for election every 4 years. Each Councillor is required to comply with the Code of Conduct issued by the Local Government Association. A copy of this can be viewed through the attached link. Code of Conduct

What do we do


Maintain the one village light in the Parish


Liaise with North Yorkshire Highways on cleaning drains and gullies, repairs to pavements, roads and signage, filling of potholes and cutting of some verges in the Parish.

We also notify the villages about routine and emergency closures of Sutton Bank and other roads which might lead to potentially higher traffic volumes through the villages.

North Yorks Moors National Park

Help home owners and provide advice on planning applications and status of planning applications, support environmental initiatives and attend liaison meetings with the National Park.

Verges.jpgForest England

Inform the villages about their plans for felling and replanting and minimise the impact of their operations.

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Support local environmental initiatives within our villages such as "Dark Skies", "Warm Homes" house insulation, diversification of verges and tree planting.


Hold regular meetings throughout the year, accessible to all and publish minutes of the meetings publishing them online

Liaise with other parish councils regularly throughout the year to share experiences and learning. 

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Organise national civic events such as the Queen's Jubilee and the King's Coronation celebrations.


Set the precept annually and check that the money is well spent and maintain adequate insurance cover for Parish assets and liabilities.


Support local businesses, maintain the two defibrillators in the Parish, help resolve residents' issues such as parking and maintain the Wass Community Email system.
